
Windows-on-NixOS, part 2: Make it go fast!

This is part 2 of a series of blog posts explaining how we took an existing Windows installation on hardware and moved it into a VM running on top of NixOS. Previously, we discussed how we performed the actual storage migration. In this post, we’ll cover the various performance optimisations we tried, what worked, and what didn’t work. GPU passthrough Since the machine is, amongst other things, used for gaming, graphics performance is critical.

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Windows-on-NixOS, part 1: Migrating bare-metal to a VM

This is part 1 of a series of blog posts explaining how we took an existing Windows installation on hardware and moved it into a VM running on top of NixOS. Background We have a decently-equipped desktop PC sitting in our office, which is designated for data experiments using TensorFlow and such. During off-hours, it’s also used for games, and for that purpose it has Windows installed on it. We decided to try moving Windows into a VM within NixOS so that we could run both operating systems in parallel.

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